Mercouri Kanatzidis
Mercouri Kanatzidis is the Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Chemistry at Northwestern University. His research areas include halide perovskites, solid state and coordination chemistry of chalcogenide compounds, design and synthesis of new materials including hard radiation detectors, solar energy materials, and thermoelectric materials. He is the recipient of the Royal Chemical Society DeGennes Prize 2015; 2015 ENI Award for the ‘‘Renewable Energy Prize’’ category; the ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry 2016; and the American Physical Society 2016 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials; 2016 Samson Israel Prime Minister’s Prize for Innovation in Alternative Fuels for Transportation; 2019 – DOE Ten at Ten Scientific Ideas Award for the first demonstration of all-solid-state solar cells using halide perovskite materials.